Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Tolerance? Yeah right!

I am a terible sufferer of AADD, Adult Attention Deficit Disorder. I sign on my blog to write but then I notice I don't have a cutesy picture in my default box, I spend a minute trying to access a photo album and realizing I don't know where this photo album is on the desktop computer, then I see where I can update my profile to a public profile but it's for google accounts and I just wanted to do it for my blog, so then I decide that I got on here to write and that is what I should be doing.

Tolerance, yeah right! Tolerance has lost its meaning amongst most people claiming to be open-minded. If tolerance was a rowboat it would be listing stongly to one side.

TOLERATE ME! is loudly yelled from those who inadvertently stand against me. Who am I? A caucasian, heterosexual, Bible believing follower of Jesus Christ. That's right, I said it, hetero, Christ follower.

I can tolerate those who are different from me, those who believe differently and those who live a lifestyle which I am opposed to.

My faith is personal to me. Yes I believe the only way to heaven is through Jesus Christ's death on the cross and His forgiveness of my sins, I believe that the Bible is the infallible and inspired Word of God. I also believe that God has called me to love those different than I. Jesus prayed for those who nailed Him to the cross, He did not spew sermons at them. He sat with the woman at the well and spoke of eternal life for her through belief in Him. I enjoy my time spent at my church and walk away feeling as if I have sat at the feet of Jesus for that time.

I do not float on clouds because of my personal faith, I have human emotions. I don't agree that a mosque should be built near Ground Zero. Let's go to their countries and build churches in their cities. Muslims burn Christians in their countries, where is the outcry of tolerance then?

I am personally tired of being told that I have to tolerate those who are or believe differently than me. My faith already commands me to love those different than me. When the tables are turned and those different than me are approached with tolerating me, or the way I believe, names, stereotypes, hostile ideas, and a personal cut off are the only reactions I receive.

I could go on but I have already taxed my attention span. I am not this outspoken in person, perhaps that is why I have vented in the written word.

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