Thursday, June 30, 2011

Eclectic AND Rare

As is evidenced by the not so numerous number of posts in my blog I am not only an eclectic thinker but also a rare thinker. It would appear that I do not have very many thoughts over a course of time but alas I have written many blogs in my head and thought of numerous ideas to blog about, once again in my head. The reason why they are not found on here is because I lack the discipline to sit down and actually write and post. If the truth be known I would rather find myself curled up in bed sleeping or at the least lying on the couch falling asleep to something random on the television. There you have it, my secret is out.

There are very few things that I like to make decisions about. I am constantly second guessing myself and I oftentimes create 'piles' of stuff to put away later. After all, what if I change my mind as to where I put it and it is not the right place? Why can't I just leave everything in arms reach just in case I need it right away? I have never made the claim that I am intelligent or well-organized, however, I do feel as if I am a misguided perfectionist and since I believe that perfection is not acheivable then why put any effort into it. An error filled way of thinking, I know.

Well, enough said! I have a decision to make, get up and get to work around the house or go back to bed. I believe I need to go lay down in order to make this huge decision and maybe I will be back on to blog about my day, or maybe not!

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